An Accredited Practising Dietitian is the ONLY  professional recognised by Medicare and DVA. This is THE best person to see for credible nutrition advice.

We are located on the Gold Coast but provide online consultations across Australia. 

Our dietitian can help with:

  • Adding nutrients in rather than removing foods
  • Help you enjoy healthy eating
  • Our dietitian starts where you are comfortable and works towards your goals
  • We help you set and achieve goals.
  • We will provide evidence-based and experienced guidance 

Ask your dietitian for:

  • Personalised meal plan or eating guide designed by our dietitian.
  • Get all your questions answered by an experienced dietitian – save yourself valuable time wasted on insta-BS
  • Personalised shopping guides/food lists
  • Strategies to increase your motivation
  • Weight and body composition review (if helpful)
  • Dietitian approved eating out guides
  • Label reading shortcuts
  • Dietitian and psychology informed strategies to improve your relationship with food
  • Address binge eating and overeating habits

At My Nutrition Clinic, our dietitian will set you up with a plan and keep adjusting it as you progress.  This ensures you develop the the lifelong behaviours and habits that will see you reach your goals… and stay there!!  

Conditions that your dietitian can help with (among many others): 

  • Diabetes, high cholesterol or high blood pressure
  • Chronic diarrhoea, constipation and overall gut health
  • IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and low FODMAP diets
  • Reflux
  • Diverticular disease
  • Non-Alcoholic Liver Disease
  • Coeliac Disease
  • Healthy Weight management and a non-diet approach
  • Depression

Who is the right dietitian for me?

A very common and important question. We have a number of dietitians, who all specialise in different areas.

You can see everyone on the team here to help you find the right person for you: 

The whole team

You can see the fees that apply to different dietitians here: 

Fees and Rebates


Yes we do. All of our dietitians have Medicare provider numbers and are happy to accept care plans from GPs so that our clients can receive the Medicare rebates available. 

We can no longer offer bulk-billed appointments due to the rising living costs and the level of skills and experience that our dietitians have. We want everyone to be able to access good quality health care so we offer a shorter initial appointment for those who need it. This reduces the initial outlay but there will be less time for us to provide eating plans and advice.  A shorter initial appointment will also lead to a shorter gap between follow-up appointments.  Have a look our fees to consider the best appointment type for you. The Medicare rebate is $60 (as at July 2023)

Click here for a full list of our fees

Fees and Rebates

Yes some of our dietitians can visit you in your home. This is particularly useful if you have disabilities or health issues that prevent you from easily accessing our clinic or if your home provides opportunities for assessing your dietary intake or education e.g. meal/recipe development.   

If you are a DVA card holder with a referral from your GP or specialist, we can provide home visits without any gap payment. 

Otherwise, our fees for home visits are $110 for the first visit and $80 for subsequent visits. Visits that involve more than 20km travel one way will incur additional travel fees.  We also offer telehealth (phone or via Zoom) appointments. 

You don’t need a referral to see a dietitian and you can still use private health for a rebate on the fees. A care plan from your GP is required to access Medicare rebates however. 

You can use NDIS funding to see our dietitians If you have a plan manager or are self-managed. When booking please provide your plan manager’s details including their contact number and email address for invoices.  

Our receptionist will give you call to pay over the phone either before or just after you appointment. For regular clients we may send an invoice for payment by electronic bank transfer. 

This varies depending on who you see. Some of our dietitians have a wait of up to 4 weeks where an others will be within a week. Please speak to our receptionist about the current wait times for the dietitian you have in mind.