Our dietitian team have provided leading aged care nutrition services for over 20 years to many aged care groups over NSW and QLD. As part of our commitment to excellence, we have demonstrated success with improving the quality of life and health of residents while also reducing the spend on supplements and health care costs for our aged care homes through Lantern Alliance research studies at Bond University.

“Our strategy is two-fold:
Improve quality of life by improving resident health and
Improve facility efficiency and cost effectiveness.”

Dr Cherie Hugo, Director of My Nutrition Clinic and Founder of Lantern Alliance

The Lantern Approach

Our innovations can bring wide reaching benefits


    We have demonstrated through research and practice an evidence-based, systematic way of delivering food-first strategies to not only drive malnutrition-related impacts down (e.g. falls, pressure injuries, unplanned weight loss, hospitalisations) but reduce burden on catering teams and deliver a return on investment for aged care organisations. Contact us around our Transition Off Supplements Program today to see the benefits across your organisation.


    Through Cherie Hugo’s PhD research and Lantern Alliance learnings, we are leading the way in finding innovative solutions to malnutrition and the associated health care costs in aged care facilities.


    We offer education programs for your staff and residents with each of our service packages.


    Signing up to one of our 12/24 or 36 month nutrition service packages means we can pass on significant discounts on our normal rates.


    Food and meal times can make or break a resident’s day. The dining environment is pivotal to the success of mealtimes. Through our Lantern Alliance research we continually identify and demonstrate low cost measurable solutions which will lift the mood of residents and staff. 


    Our quality nutrition service packages provide fantastic value for money. In addition to significant discounts on our standard consultation fees, aged care homes can access a range of our complimentary nutrition services through our packages which are geared to upskill staff, improve communication and ensure resident nutrition care is second to none.

Our dietitians below specialise in aged care nutrition

Linda Kilworth Aged Care Dietitian

Linda Kilworth
Aged Care Dietitian

Linda Kilworth brings over 3 decades of experience to the My Nutrition Clinic aged care dietitian team. Linda has extensive experience across aged care, food service, menu design, education and management areas.

Anne Clark, Aged care dietitian

Anne Clark
Aged Care Dietitian

Anne Clark is both an aged care dietitian and part of the Lantern Alliance Epicure team. Through these roles, Anne has an appreciation for the complexities of the aged care food and nutrition system and understanding of the needs of the older person. She is passionate about improving their quality of life through her knowledge of the aging process, chronic conditions and nutritional needs of the older person.

Aloysa Hourigan Dietitian

Aloysa Hourigan

Aloysa has over 30 years of experience as a Dietitian and has worked for Nutrition Australia and running her own private practice in Brisbane. In addition to her dietetic qualifications, Aloysa has a Graduate Diploma in Counselling from the Queensland University of Technology.

Having a counseling qualification alongside expertise in nutrition and food has led Aloysa to focus on the area of eating disorders and has a great deal of compassion and experience providing support for long-term recovery

Specialist areas:

Eating disorders

Gut disorders

Food intolerances

Lisa Greedy
Aged Care Dietitian

Lisa Greedy is an experienced aged care dietitian with specialist knowledge around dementia and dining and food science. Lisa provides dietetic services across a number of our aged care homes from the Whitsundays down to Brisbane region.

Petra Salo Aged Care Dietitian

Petra Salo
Aged Care Dietitian

Petra Salo is a dietitian with a special interest in chronic disease prevention, weight management, mental health, older age nutrition and special diets such as vegetarian and vegan diets. Her goal is to bring life to the years and years to the lives of her clients. Petra provides dietetic services to a number of our South East Queensland and New South Wales sites.

Aged Care Dietian

Alana Chaplin
Aged Care Dietitian

Alana Chaplin is an aged care dietitian with past experience in the hospitality and aged care carer areas. Alana brings her knowledge across the hospitality and care roles to deliver pragmatic dietetic advice to aged care homes in South East Queensland.

Dr Cherie Hugo

Dr Cherie Hugo is an accredited practising dietitian and co-director of My Nutrition Clinic, with around 25 years of experience consulting with her team of My Nutrition Clinic dietitians to community, healthcare centres, hospitals and aged care organisations across Australia.

Cherie founded Lantern Alliance in 2013, a national aged care collaboration and action-based research and advisory initiative based at Bond University, focused on improving older Australian’s quality of life through the joy of good food. In 2018, Cherie completed her PhD which lead to the development of Lantern's evidence-based tools now actively used across industry (Epicure) to measure performance and guide success in the food (menu and mealtime quality), nutrition and dining experience.  This has been demonstrated this across over 100 aged care homes, in many, measuring the impact of My Nutrition Clinic's proactive dietetic services.

Cherie is currently the appointed advisor to the Australian Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission’s Food, Nutrition and Dining Experience guiding the transition to the new Aged Care Quality Standards.