Group of people sharing a healthy meal, highlighting positive outcomes of working with dietitians

Client Success Stories

Experience it for yourself

At My Nutrition Clinic, we’ve helped thousands of clients across Australia achieve their health and nutrition goals. Here are some real stories from our clients who’ve transformed their lives through expert dietitian support.

These stories are representative examples based on real client experiences and clinical outcomes at My Nutrition Clinic. To protect client privacy, all stories have been anonymised and recreated from clinical notes, with identifying details changed. While based on actual client journeys, they have been synthesised to showcase typical progress and results our clients achieve through evidence-based nutrition support.

What Our Clients Value Most

We surveyed over 1,000 clients following their consultations at My Nutrition Clinic. Using advanced analysis of anonymous feedback, we’ve identified the key elements our clients consistently value most about their nutrition care experience
Personalised advice and meal plans

that included tailored strategies to manage portion sizes, BMI and personal health goals, along with customised meal plans. 

Increased knowledge and understanding

Such as gaining insights into the reasons behind dietary challenges and how to address them. A better understanding of food groups, portion sizes, specific diets, gut health, food intolerances, and the relationship between food and mental health.

Support, motivation & encouragement

To feel capable of making lasting lifestyle changes along with positive reinforcement, hope for a better future, and ongoing reassurance to stay committed to goals.

Feeling heard and understood

Clients feel understood in their unique challenges, such as time management, and experience non-judgmental advice and emotional support for lifestyle changes.

Practical tips, actionable changes & solutions

Such as everyday advice for weight loss, healthy eating, and mindful practices like self-care and intuitive eating, managing eating habits during shift work, healthy snack alternatives, and practical recipes.

Clarity & Confidence

Reassurance that goals are attainable, with clear feedback and actionable recommendations on their diet. This boosts confidence and helps to feel empowered and capable of making improvements to health.

Client success stories

Sustainable Weight Management

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NDIS Nutrition Support Stories

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Kidney Dietitian Success Stories

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Acheiving Gut Health Naturally

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Eating Disorder Recovery Stories

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Menopause Nutrition Stories 

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Endometriosis Relief

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Bariatric Surgery Nutrition Support

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Home care package Dietitian helps to stay at home longer

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